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Melissa McBay Merritt
Associate Professor, University of New South Wales
Australian Research Council Future Fellow
2023: IFILNOVA Universidade Nova de Lisboa video series

I contributed a talk on the sublime for a series of videos on Kant, organised by João Lemos for the Nova Institute of Philosophy in Lisbon.

2019-2020: Philosophy by Postcard
I joined (in parentheses) and the Irish Post to celebrate the centenary of the great moral philosopher and novelist, Iris Murdoch: philosophy by postcard. Check it out!

2018: The Minefield
I enjoyed talking to Scott Stephens and Waleed Aly on their ABC Radio National show, The Minefield. Our question: "Can we still learn from, use, enjoy or legitimately benefit from the work — be it artistic, philosophical, or even scientific — of people who have committed egregious moral wrongs or who themselves hold morally repugnant beliefs?"
2018: The End Times
I talked with Richard Marshall about my work on Kant for his series of interviews with philosophers, The End Times, for 3:AM magazine.
[Update: the End Times is now at a new site (3:16); my interview is here.]
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