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Melissa McBay Merritt

Associate Professor, University of New South Wales

Australian Research Council Future Fellow 

2019-2020: Philosophy by Postcard

I joined (in parentheses) and the Irish Post to celebrate the centenary of the great moral philosopher and novelist, Iris Murdoch: philosophy by postcardCheck it out! 

Iris Murdoch.jpg
an post logo.png
philosophy by postcard.png

2018: The End Times

I talked with Richard Marshall about my work on Kant for his series of interviews with philosophers, The End Times, for 3:AM magazine.  

[Update: the End Times is now at a new site (3:16); my interview is here.]

 © 2019 by Melissa Merritt


The image of Minerva is from the frontispiece of Leonhard Cochius's 1769 essay Untersuchung über die Neigungen, which won the essay prize from the Royal Academy of Sciences in Berlin.  The phrase SAPERE AUDE ("dare to be wise") comes from Horace (Epistles I.ii.40), and was already the de facto motto of the German Enlightenment long before Kant officially christened it such in his famous 1783 essay "What is Enlightenment?".  

SAPERE AUDE (would make good website ban
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